“Smile, Breathe and go slowly”
-Thich Nhat Hanh
“The quality of your mind determines the quality of your life” —Sam Harris
Let’s meet wherever you are in life with complete acceptance, openness and compassion. Together we can learn to sit with painful feelings, sensations, and urges. You can learn to grow from the struggle of avoidance and fighting, to practicing acceptance and moving through difficulties. You can learn to identify the deepest desires in your heart and make steps towards living a life that matters. You can take action towards developing the strengths and qualities you admire and which are unique to you. Our suffering and pain are inevitable, how we choose to walk through it is what matters.

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: The last of the human freedoms–To choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.”
— Victor Frankl
When I am at my best I am enjoying life as it is.
I want to support you through the hard stuff. You may want to feel more in control of how you feel and cope with the stressors in your life. You may feel discouraged, hopeless or overwhelmed. Maybe you feel so drained emotionally and physically it's difficult finding reasons to get out of bed. It may be time to get out of your head and into your life. In therapy you will develop self regulation skills which promote the ability to calm yourself when overwhelmed, and lift yourself up when you are down. You may be stuck in old patterns which are no longer serving you.
It is never easy to address areas of pain, unease, or discomfort. I want you to feel less alone while you learn new ways to build your self-confidence and promote self-respect. Part of therapy is addressing thoughts and behaviors which tear you down and keep you stuck. Stress and pain are unavoidable in our daily lives. But we can learn to increase awareness and replace unhealthy stress-promoting habits with mindful ones. In therapy you can explore and learn one of the most important skills of your life: to be present for it.
“This is the real secret of life- to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”
— Alan Watts

Individual Therapy for Adults and Teens
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